Ian Iliffe

Director (Programme Development)

Ian is a former police officer with 30 years’ experience. He is a qualified level 3 investigative trainer, specialising in the training of Senior Investigating Officers (SIOs) in both Major and Serious and Organised Crime arenas. He has delivered high quality training provision, specifically relating to the investigation of Homicide, to the Forensic Science Regulator’s Conference; Universities; SIO CPD events; the SIO Annual Conference; as well as seminars and training programmes at the College of Policing, West Midlands Police Detective Academy, and individual Forensic Science provider organisations.

Ian is an accredited PIP3 SIO, experienced in the investigation of complex criminal cases, including murder and organised crime, and investigations at both national and international levels. He has extensive experience in the review of unsolved murders under investigation and cold case enquiries. Ian has led a team of highly qualified officers in the management of domestic abuse within a community safety environment, with a lead role within MARAC and MAPPA processes. Ian has represented West Midlands Police as a panel member at Domestic Homicide Reviews (DHR) and as an SIO, having investigated a number of domestic related homicides.​

As Force champion for investigative interviewing; both witness and suspect disciplines; and for Family Liaison, Ian has delivered invaluable learning to investigators at all levels.

Ian has a wide range of further investigative experience, including the investigation of serious incidents within the NHS; undertaking complex investigations in that setting on behalf of the Coroner; and investigations for a leading Health Regulator.