Gerrard Amadeo (Gez) PgCert, FHEA

Managing Director

Gez is an experienced specialist investigative skills trainer, specialising in the training of Senior Investigating Officers (SIOs) of Major, and Serious and Organised Crime investigation. He has a level 7 PgCHPE academic qualification; and has designed, written, prepared, and delivered investigative training provision to PCDA and DHEP new recruits, PIP2 Investigators, PIP2 Supervisors and Managers, and PIP3 SIOs; as well as CPD delivery and seminars to SIOs; CPS and partner agencies. As West Midlands Police training lead for the SIO Development Programme, Gez was instrumental in obtaining the CoP licence to deliver this prestigious learning programme, delivering learning to over 40 senior investigators.

A former police officer with 30 years’ experience, including over 20 years’ experience of leading serious and complex crime investigation and attaining the rank of Detective Inspector. Gez has extensive experience leading teams within Major Investigation departments and Homicide. He has led investigations at local, regional, national and international levels, working within West Midlands Force CID, the Major Crime Review Team; and has been a lead investigator of over 60 homicides. As a qualified PIP3 Senior Investigating Officer (SIO), Gez has had responsibility for serious and complex investigations including, murder; armed robbery; series and serial offending; as well as firearms related criminality, kidnap and extortion; and gang related crime. This wealth of investigative experience is supported by undertaking reviews of unsolved murders and cold case enquiries; roles as investigative lead and management of Intelligence for a number of major events within the West Midlands area; representation at Serious Case Reviews; and the development and implementation of organisational investigative policy and strategy.